SNSF Scientific Image Competition: Two ARTORG winners

Two entries by the ARTORG Center have won awards at the 2024 Scientific Image Competition of the Swiss National Science Foundation! Christopher Hahne (AIMI) won first prize in the "video loop" with a visualization of brain vascularity. Tatiana Kotchetkova (MSB) earned a distinction in "object of study" with a SHG microscopy of bone microarchitecture.

Brain Vascularity, by Christopher Hahne - First Prize "Video Loop"

Christopher Hahne´s video loop "Brain Vascularity" shows how state-of-the-art ultrasound imaging techniques and an algorithm that combines microscope images reveal the secrets of blood flow in the brain.

According to the jury it “captures our attention with patterns that seem universal but are at first hard to pinpoint” while still “providing a complete story”. "The aesthetic video mesmerizes with universal but initially elusive motifs. It presents a compact, self-contained story that is nourished by our desire to understand the mechanisms taking place in the brain."

To the Bone, by Tatiana Kotchetkova - Distinction "Object of Study" with Justine Kusch (ETHZ)/Torne Tänzer (PSI).

“To the bone”. It depicts the fascinating bone structure as seen through the second-harmonic generation microscopy. It is part of a collaborative study between the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics group of ARTORG and the Structure and Mechanics of Advanced Materials of PSI. The image was taken at ScopeM ETHZ. Justine Kusch (ScopeM ETHZ) and Torne Tänzer (PSI) are co-authors of the image.

The "eerily beautiful image" from "a strange, somewhat unstable universe of unknown dimensions" reminded the selection committee that "even highly technical research can bring a hidden aesthetic to light and open a window to a new world."