• 2006 FMH Certificate for Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Bern, CH (21.12.06).
  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for the thesis: Vision in Neurodegenerative Disorders. Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (23.11.06).
  • 2005 Certificate of completion of training in Old Age Psychiatry, Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, UK (28.11.05).
  • 2000 FMH certificate for completion of training in General and Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Bern, CH (15.02.00).
  • Certificate in Systemic Psychotherapy. Bern, CH (16.03.00).
  • 1995 Doctor of Medicine for the thesis: Chronic critical leg ischemia: the revascularisation of the isolated popliteal segment compared to the femoro-distal bypass. University of Bern, CH (24.07.95).
  • 1994 Primary medical qualification: Physician, University of Bern, CH (29.11.94).
  • 1988-1994 Medical School, University of Bern; Elective year at the University of Leiden, NL.
  • 1983-1987 Gymnasium, Bern, CH.
  • 1974-1983 Primary and secondary schools Zollikofen, CH.
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