Since its introduction 25 years ago, Optical Coher- ence Tomography (OCT) has contributed tremendously to diag- nostic and monitoring capabilities of pathologies in the field of ophthalmology. Despite rapid progress in hardware and software technology however, the price of OCT devices has remained high, limiting their use in private practice and in screening examinations. In this paper, we present a slitlamp-integrated OCT device, built with off-the-shelf components, which can generate high-quality volumetric images of the posterior eye segment. To do so, we present a novel strategy for 3D image reconstruction in this challenging domain that allows for state-of- the-art OCT volumes to be generated at fast speeds. The result is an OCT device that can match current systems in clinical practice, at a significantly lower cost.
Apostolopoulos. A. and Sznitman R. Efficient OCT volume reconstruction from slitlamp microscopes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2017).